TSR Reviews Seasons Part 2
Last we left Catherine she was gearing up to end the summer, there was swimming and roller skating. Eating hot dogs and overall sending it off with a bang.
Of course the summer went out with a thunderstorm complete with lightening, thunder (that shakes your screen) and torrential rain. Catherine, with the luck she has, BOOM:
Not once but THREE times! The only luck she had was that it didn’t kill her. But her eyes glowed!
Fall comes in with blistering winds and leaves turning colors. Catherine sees the grass turning brown and leaves falling off the trees. She’s a clean freak and the thought of the leaves all over the yard sends her brain in a spin so she sends Kolten and his Girlfriend to clean the yard.
There are interactions to rake, burn, play in, or throw away. Well, well, well, Kolten rakes the leaves but the word “play” comes in. With an evil sideways glance to make sure his mother isn’t looking he jumps on it.
However, his girlfriend, who is quite taken aback by Kolten’s mother, sets the pile on fire to burn away the leaves. Almost sets fire to herself with all that fuel she poured on it.
And so the fall goes on with plenty of leaf raking and jumping in piles. And what’s fall without Halloween? Yes Catherine added that to the calendar, because, why not? Setting up the holiday she opted for decorations and trick or treat
which is in the options for a holiday. Spooky stuff and dressing up was also added. Once the holiday comes you can click and change your sim into a costume on the day.
Fall is full of fun and things to do but winter, Ahhhh there’s the ticket.
Fall passed without too much fanfare right into winter. By now the leaves are gone from the trees, totally.
Catherine looked at the bleak sky and wondered if this change was all worth it. She threw on her overcoat and headed out with the dog for a walk. Then it happened. One flake at first but then, another, and another, and another. Soon the ground was covered with that white cold powdery SNOW!
Of course Kolten was too excited. He loves the outdoors no matter the weather. Catherine looked at her son and with a groan entered the house. There he was making snow angels in the snow. Having the time of his LIFE!
He wasn’t done there! Oh no, he made a snow pal! Yussssssssss…..snow is great! He coaxes Catherine outside and they build their creation together.
Not too bad for the first try! Your children can talk to the snowpal and make friends!
Winter is full of fun things to do. Snow ball fights, Snow Angels, and of course Ice Skating!
Smacking your son with a snowball is kind of fun. I mean LOOK at him taunting Catherine here!
Which brings us to a gift giving holiday. EA gives you a predefined holiday in the calendar that is akin to Christmas, however they give you all the tools to make a holiday of your choice as said yesterday. You can delete any holiday you choose and replace it with your own. I chose to keep the default holiday. You can buy presents for under the tree (or any other way it’s done on any other holiday) in the activities section of the game. You can add to the presents as the holiday approaches.
You can buy gifts as well:
There is also a set of boxes that you can use to decorate your home under activities and if the holiday calls for decorations you just reach in the box and it decorates inside or outside according to where the box is placed. This works for any holiday the boxes are tagged for.
You can buy a tree and decorate it or if your holiday involves candles you can light them ceremoniously.
On the holiday it was set for making a grand meal. You make the meal and call everyone to dinner to complete the holiday task.
Outside decorated and Catherine ready to give gifts she goes off with her family to have a wonderful holiday in the winter wonderland.
There are many more things and interactions to be had. I barely touched the surface and really would like to go back to the game now. So I leave you with this. THIS is where EA outdoes themselves with this EP:
Welcome to the winter wonderland!